Wednesday 15 January 2014

What a Front Cover should consist of

Below is a list of what a typical magazine front cover should consist of, by using this list I will ensure that my magazine cover fits the right criteria and consists of what is required to draw in my target audience’s attention.
·         Plugs – information about the contents of the magazine to get the audience’s attention
·         Cover Lines – information about the articles features in the magazine
·         Puffs – a word of phrase that is used to boost the status and engage the audience
·         Masthead – the logo or design of the company that issue the magazine
·         Main cover line
·         Price
·         Issue number
·         Feature article photographs
·         Barcodes
·         Type Face- the type of writing style to which the magazine company uses
By using this criteria my front cover should reach the best of its ability in securing the attention of my target audience.

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