Friday, 24 January 2014

My Front Cover Evaluation

My front cover for my regional magazine has taken the same form as my billboard advertisement, this is so my target audience who will have seen the billboard will be able to recognise it instantly on the selves. The title of my magazine is at the top of the page following the conventions of other magazine front covers and also so that if it is on the self behind another they will still be able to see the title to find the magazine. I have used Tahoma bold font for the word Teen and Times New Roman italic for the word unique, this is so that both words stand out both together and separately, this is an idea I have continued with the bottom of the page with the word Ella in Times New Roman italic and Natural is Best in Century Gothic.

Although I originally wanted all black font, I decided in the end to have my double page spread article on the no makeup selifes in white, this is because as the model takes up the majority of the page I wanted to be able to see the writing clearly and where this writing is located on top of her hair the black did not show up very well, hence I decided on white.
I have chosen to place the issue number of the magazine and the month of the issue above the title to the left. This is because although they are normally situated under the title, I wanted to create more space for my article information and by placing it above the title I have created space to do so. Also where the letter Q in Unique comes down to there is not really enough space between the top of the models head and the edge of the page to place it. Also I have put the bar code in the bottom right hand corner so that it doesn’t obstruct the rest of the page.
Finally I decided on my font Century Gothic because of the clean cut edges I thought looked really modern, therefore appealing more to my target audience, the parts about the article I have written in italic to show a clear difference, and have made the number 30 larger than the text on the article so that it grabs instant attention and stands out on its own as well as part of a feature.

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