Thursday, 16 January 2014

Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham is a very famous actress in America and is most known by an audience for her sitcom, Girls. The sitcom is watched by an audience of girls around the ages of 16-30. Therefore a large proportion of her viewing audience is teenage girls. So when Dunham was due to appear as the front cover of Vogue magazine it was to marks a huge landmark in her career.

However, recently the images have been leaked much to many peoples dismay and it is clear that the images have clearly been photo shopped. This is not that much of a surprise to the general public, except that they have been so vastly edited to the extent that her left arm is missing in one of the images of her laying across a bed. Also the cover shot is not of her entire body just of her portrait which is common when high end magazines so not to show an entire body.

Lena Dunham is a woman that society would class as a larger woman, therefore for her to be on the front cover of vogue, it is a big deal in the movement of fashion and beauty magazines using images of larger models. Consequently by her doing this it would give many of her fans of a larger size a boost in confidence and self-esteem. However with the photograph being so heavily photo shopped, it completely contradicts the idea of this.
This reinforces my idea that the photographs will not be photo shopped in my magazine to the extent of changing the models appearance, therefore this will not give the audience an unrealistic image that they believe is what society thinks is ideal, instead I will only enhance the colour to give my images a more professional feel and allow girls that boost in self-esteem they need by presenting them with realistic and not digitally enhanced model that they believe that is what society expects them to look like.

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