Sunday 12 January 2014

The Statistics of Models with Eating Disorders

  1. The majority of runway models meet the Body Mass Index otherwise known as BMI, criteria to be considered anorexic
  2. Vogue magazine stated that they chose Gisele Bunchen as their “model of the year) due to the fact that she deviates from the typical “rail thin” image. In fact, Gisele weighs only 115lbs and is 5’11-25% below her ideal weight
  3. At 5’7 and 95lbs, Kate Moss is 30% below the ideal weight for her proportion
  4. Fashion model’s weight averages only 8% less than the average woman 20 years ago however today the average fashion model weighs 23% less than the average woman
  5. 25% of American Playboy centrefold models meet the criteria to be considered anorexic
  6. Many magazines create images of women that don’t really exist by using computer-modified  compilations of various body parts
  7. Mannequins closely resembled shape of the average woman in the 1950’s; the average mannequin and woman both had the hip measurement of 34 inches, however since then there has been an increasing disparity between mannequins and the average woman. By 1990 the average hip measurement of a woman had increased to 37 inches, whilst mannequins have decreased to 31 inches.

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