Monday, 20 January 2014

Codes and Conventions of a Double Page Spread

Codes and conventions that are included in a magazine are created to insure that there is a formality between issues, I will use the codes and conventions so that my magazine and a real style magazine will have similar features therefore if I were not to use a formality readers would not be able to identify my style of magazine.

Code and convention rules for a double page spread include the magazines generally being written in columns, this is normally done to break up the reading so that the reader is not reading across a page but reading down in small blocks to create more of a variety compared to normal reading articles and books. The conventions of a title are that it is big and bold and stands out from the rest, it is often located in the top left hand corner or in the center of the page. The title is to let the readers know what something it is, sometimes giving them a sort of indication of what is going to be on the inside.

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