Monday 10 March 2014

My Contents Page Evaluation

My finished contents page continues from my front cover with the white background. The black Century Gothic font is also continued and the title of the magazine is in the same format as it is on the front cover, with The Confidence Issue underneath in Times New Roman Italic which is the same as Unique in Teen Unique.

To decide what image I should use on my contents page I asked 10 teenage girls between the ages of 13-17, the photo that I ended up using got the highest amount of votes so I used that one. I decided to ask my target audience because I couldn’t decide between the three, and as they are the ones viewing it, there opinion is essential.
I have decided to set my contents page out following the same conventions as a magazine contents page of the genre I am following. I have separated on the cover articles and featured articles using headings. When writing my pages references I have followed on from my front cover using black Century Gothic font; the page numbers however are Bell Gothic Std Light, this is so they stand out against the writing. The titles for the articles are in font size 26 and the insights are size 20.5 italic, this is so it is clear what is where.
In the bottom left of the page I have included a note from the editor (myself) that reads, “This month we are working on building up your confidence, we hope this issue gives you that extra boost you need to feel comfortable in your own skin. Remember it’s what is on the inside that counts.” By doing this I intend for my target audience to feel more connected to the magazine by feeling the note addresses them individually.

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