Sunday 30 March 2014

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Speech

For my evaluation question how effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? I will present it on a video, this is the speech that I will use.

“Hello my name is Grace Hards Candidate number 2253. In this video I will be answering the evaluation question, how effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
The combination of my main product my regional magazine, and my ancillary tasks my billboard and my radio advertisement, are very effective as a combination. All three final products link together really well through my ongoing theme of raising teenage girl’s self-confidence through my regional magazine.
My billboard is designed in the style of the front cover of my magazine, I have designed this product this way so that there is continuity throughout my products and therefore it is instantly recognisable to my target audience of teenage girls. The image and masthead used on my billboard are the same that are used on the front cover of my regional magazine. This masthead is then carried through to appear on my contents page and a small version appears in my double page spread above the page number.
The message portrayed on my billboard is that “happiness and confidence is a girl’s best accessory” as the purpose of my magazine is to raise confidence in my target audience, the message given on my billboard is a brief insight to my magazine also explaining this idea of raising confidence.
My radio advertisement tells the story of a young girl called jenny, she suffers with anxiety and doesn’t like to leave her house because of the way that she looks, therefore she has no confidence, however when her mum bought her teen unique magazine, she found her confidence and is now going to a party with her friends. Therefore the message given through this radio advertisement is that after reading teen unique magazine she gained more confidence, which is the overall purpose of my magazine.
Therefore the message of gaining confidence through my regional magazine is given through both my billboard and my radio advertisement overall making the combination between my ancillary tasks and my final product very effective.”

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