Friday 7 March 2014

Magazine Research Evaluation

My research into magazines has given me a clear idea of what my own magazine should include and how to design it. Firstly I looked into the history of magazines, this way I was able to look at the progression of magazines over time and establish how mine should follow in pursuit of other magazines of the genre I am following by going on to then look at the typical fashion and beauty magazine.

I spent a lot of time researching models and eating disorders being portrayed in magazines and the use of Photoshop because the use of skinny models in magazines caused teens to believe that society expects them to look this way, and that is why I have decided for the theme of my magazine to go against this idea and help girls feel comfortable in their own skin.
I went on to look at the typography, colour schemes and layouts of magazines to help me prepare for my own magazine.
I decided to research front covers, contents pages, and double page spreads, separately because then more attention could be paid to them. Through my research of these I analysed 3 difference examples of each to give myself a clear idea of what was expected when it came to the layout and design of my own magazine.

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