Monday 17 March 2014

Audience Feedback - My Magazine

Now that I have finished my magazine I have asked 10 teenage girls between the ages of 13-17 for their feedback on my magazine, below are a list of comments that they have put forward.

“I love the concept of the magazine, I think that it is really inspiring and such a good idea to do a magazine on encouraging confidence in teenage girls, society forgets how vulnerable we really are and its encouraging for us to have a voice” – Sarah age 14
“I really like the layout of this magazine, I think it looks really professional. The front cover is really nice the way the colours go together and the fact that the model isn’t really wearing lots of makeup it is refreshing to see that on the front of a magazine” – Lola age 13
“The magazine looks really good, I’m happy to see a double page spread on such a good campaign, the article has really opened my eyes about wearing as much makeup as I do, and it has shown me that everyone is beautiful” - Marissa age 16
“The layout of the contents page is really good, the only thing I would change is adding a bit more colour to the text, maybe red to go with the colour of the girl’s top. It was nice to see a magazine encouraging girl’s confidence for a change” – Pippa age 17
“I like the fact that the front cover is not over crowded with information, it gives more attention to the articles being advertised. It is refreshing to see a front cover not airbrushed it really shows off the models natural beauty” - Lucy age 15
“The front cover and double page spread look really professional, the only thing that’s not as good is the contents page, it’s still really good but the text is too large in certain places. But I like the editors not at the bottom, it makes it feel more personal like she is talking to me directly” – Ellie age 13
“The front cover does look a bit bare, personally if it was me I would have the model a little further back with more room for text to be added, but it still looks good, if it was a real magazine I would definitely buy it” - Samantha age 17
“The double page spread is my favourite part, I love the way it is set out, it looks really professional, it is so nice to see girls without any makeup on in a magazine for a change, the contents page looks a little over crowded but it still looks good” – Jess age 14
“The pictures on the double page spread are nice but if they had been arranged differently they would be more effective, but the layout of the text is really good, I think it looks really professional and is a good idea of the theme of the magazine” – Kate age 13
“I really like this magazine, it looks professional full of the right content that is relevant to us as teenagers. The front cover is eye catching and I think by not having lots of text on there more attention is paid to the text that is on there, the contents page looks good, they only thing I would change is maybe having some different colour font, but the black works really well against the white, the double page spread is my favourite part, there is a reoccurring theme of black text and the message throughout the magazine that gives it that overall professional look, feel and effect. I would buy this magazine” – Amanda age 16
These comments on my magazine are reasonably good and positive, I’m glad my target audience have said they like the idea behind my magazine, the comments are also very similar when it comes to my contents page, for example a few have said maybe adding more colour, this is something I do agree with however I think the black works better and all the colour is therefore on the image getting more attention.
To look further into what my target audience think about my magazine I have asked the following 3 questions and put the responses into pie charts so that the feedback is clearly presented.
I am very happy with the responses given to my 3 questions, the answers show that the majority of my target audience asked would purchase this magazine and that it targets them directly, also that their favourite page was the double page spread, this is good because that is the main focus of the magazine as it is the part that will help them to boost their confidence.

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