Thursday 6 March 2014

InStyle Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Above is an analysis I have conducted of InStyle magazine contents page. By doing this I am able to see what other magazines of the genre I am following have done, to ensure my contents page reaches its best potential.
The title of the magazine with the title of the page is located at the top of the page with the issue number and date underneath giving the readers relevant information also following the usual conventions of a contents page layout. It has two different colours and types of font, making a clear difference between the two, also standing out against the background.
The page numbers are in bold with the article title in larger font compared to the insight into the article showing a clear difference between the two and making the title of the article more eye catching. The burgundy and black colour theme is continued throughout the page including the title, the text and even the models outfit that all complement each other and contrast against the white background.
The image of the model covers a considerable amount of the page and is most likely featured on the front cover and is what the main article is about; the main story is given its own section for page reference which shows importance and allows the readers the opportunity to turn straight to that page without having to look through the page listings to find it. This is something that has occurred throughout my analysis of contents pages and is something I intend to include in my contents page.

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