Friday, 7 February 2014

The 5 Don't's of Radio Advertising

1. Never copy the type of marketing carried out by competitors. Nobody likes copy-cats, especially consumers and your product will always look a poor second – be original and make your product/service unique.

2. Never overcomplicate your message. Keep it simple –don’t say in 100 words what you can say just as well in 50. At the same time be careful not to oversimplify and insult your customers by treating them like idiots.
3. Never over-exaggerate your Product/Service. It is important that you set your customers’ expectations and then also meet them, if your customer is to feel satisfied, otherwise it will generate bad publicity for your product.
4. Never talk about what your Product/Service can do – talk about what it can do for the customer. How can it make life better for them? People buy benefits not features, your product is more likely to be a success this way.
5. Never think that a good marketing strategy can sell a poor Product/Service. If what you are advertising is rubbish then all the marketing strategies in the world wont save it.

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