Sunday 23 February 2014

My Radio Advertisement Evaluation

My finished radio advertisement turned out to be 35 seconds long, a little longer than I hoped for, and the quality is very poor because I had no access to equipment so it had to be recorded by placing my thumb over the webcam and recording it on my laptop.

However the message given I was very happy with. I decided to tell the story of a young girl named Jenny, who is 17 years old suffering from anxiety who read Teen Unique magazine and it gave her that confidence boost that she needed. This way I think my target audience will be able to relate to the situation also through the use of a female voice, and therefore be more inclined to purchase my final product. The tone of voice from the speaker also changes from a sad tone when talking about her anxiety, to a happier tone when talking about the magazine, therefore encouraging the audience to buy this as the change in tone reflects her change on confidence.
In my advertisement I have managed to explain what the purpose of the magazine is, why people should buy it, and when it is available for purchase, the only thing that I forgot to include was the price.
Through my radio advertising research I discovered all of the things that I should and shouldn’t include, which really helped me when planning my advertisement, from listening the More! Magazine radio advertisement it gave me the idea of having one speaker throughout my advertisement.
I hope through my radio advertisement I have captured the true purpose behind my magazine, reinstalling confidence in those who need it.

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