Monday 31 March 2014

My Performance Throughout The Coursework

Throughout this task I have struggled to use the technology of blogger, however now that I have finished I believe that I have done better than I originally thought I would. I got off to quite a slow start as you can see from the dates of my blog posts, only posting 28 in 2013, but then after Christmas I believed I found my footing with the technology and magazine to get my overall amount of blog posts up to 111 for 2014. This I am very proud of.

If I was to do anything differently I would have changed the way I went about my tasks, I put a lot more effort into the billboard ancillary task than I should have, forgetting it was only worth 10 marks. I did not put the same amount of effort into my other ancillary my radio advertisement due to lack of time for completing the tasks. Therefore if I was to do anything differently I would have spent more time on my magazine research and planning than I did on my ancillary task.
Overall I am extremely pleased with my finished tasks, research, and evaluations, especially with the house style which matches the ethos of my magazine, and is evident in all of my tasks.

My Evaluations

After completing each task I have evaluated them, I have written about the final products appearance, and also difficulties making them. I have done this so that my products have been analysed to the extent that the every aspects of my final products have been taken into account. I have also written short pieces on my research so that I will be able to look back at them whilst designing my final piece.

My four evaluations questions,
• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
• How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
• What have you learned from your audience feedback?
• How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Each question was to be answered using four different media technologies, however due to lack of equipment I could only use three, video, Prezi and PowerPoint. I have chosen these three technologies because I believe these are the best ways to present my information. My video was again of poor quality as I did not have access to professional equipment, therefore I again had to use the web cam on my laptop.